All news items
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Your Parish Needs You!
A third vacancy for a Parish Councillor is open. According to the formal Notice...
read more5G mast update
The Parish Council’s initial response to a planning application for a mobile phone mast...
read moreMobile phone mast for Barcombe Cross?
CH Hutchison Networks UK has lodged a planning application for the construction of a...
read moreWorks on Town Littleworth Road
From August 2nd-4th, Town Littleworth Road will be closed part-way along its length. Location:...
read moreSpithurst Road and Boast Lane closures
On 24th June, BT plans to replace rotted poles in Spithurst Road and Boast...
read moreAnnual Meeting Of Electors
The Annual Meeting of Electors (aka the Annual Village Meeting) will take place, via...
read moreBarcombe and the LAA
Lewes District Council (LDC) has published detail on areas put forward by landowners as...
read moreVirus update from ESCC
Plenty of useful information in 'East Sussex Together', the County Council's information/support bulletin.
read moreVaccine information
The Sussex Health and Care Partnership has put together a wide-ranging list
read moreMore housing?
In his January report to the Parish Council, Chairman Alan Marler pointed out that...
read moreRestrictions from 5th January
From January 5th tighter restriction apply. Details, plus sources of help and advice, are...
read morePlayground Survey
A survey devised by the Playground Working Group sets out to collect opinion about...
read moreLewes Local Plan Update
As the Lewes Local Plan moves towards its fifth anniversary of adoption in May...
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